Hi, I'm Nici and I run Tots Play in the Bexley area.
Click the big blue button below for details of my classes and to book.
I can't wait to welcome you.
Email Nici at nici@totsplay.co.uk
Call or Text 07745 047110
Meet your Class Leader
Nici Sedgwick
Hi, I’m Nici
I live in Bexley with my partner Stephen and two little monkeys of my own, Joshua who is 4 and George who is 2. I previously worked as an Events Manager in the City, and I also have a degree in Early Childhood Studies and Management with 8 years of childcare experience.
When Joshua was born we were lucky enough to try out a variety of baby classes locally which for me were an absolute life line. I made some fab mummy friends, and also learnt new and exciting ways to entertain my newborn (it also meant I didn’t feel guilty when we were just stuck at home!)
A friend recommended Tots Play and we booked onto the Baby Development Course. I was nervous, but from the moment I stepped in the doors I felt comfortable. The class was small and everyone was so friendly. We loved that we were ‘learning’ so many different activities – baby massage, baby yoga, signing, songs and even getting to play with a whole variety of sensory items (I would much rather play with jelly somewhere else and not in my house!) I remember looking around the room and thinking ‘this is fab – I wonder if I could ever do something like this’.
Having loved our own time at Tots Play, I love that I’m able to give other mums (or dad, nans, carers) and children the opportunity to enjoy them just as much. Each class includes a variety of activities to provide a whole range of developmental benefits for your little one, as well as offering plenty of ideas to continue your play time at home too.
If you come along to classes, you’ll be greeted by either myself or my class leader Beth, who will make you feel welcomed from your first class.
Worried about coming to classes on your own or have any questions before you sign up, just drop me an email on nici@totsplay.co.uk or whatsapp me on 07745047110 and I’ll do my best to put you at ease – I know how daunting it can be making that first step!
Click the Book Now button below to see classes available across the Bexley borough, choose the one that suits you best and follow the link to book your place.
We can’t wait to welcome you to a class soon,
Nici x
Parties and Private Bookings
Individually tailored sessions available for birthdays or other celebrations and for settings or organisations such as playgroups, preschools, nurseries and charities. Get in touch using the contact details above for more information.
Learn more about our party sessions HERE.