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Reinventing the Baby Class - Introducing Baby Tranquil
At Tots Play we've been supporting parents and babies for 15 years, and while many of the joys and challenges of the early days with a...

How to Spot the Difference between Colic and Silent Reflux
Both colic and silent reflux are very difficult conditions to deal with. When your baby is suffering, you are suffering. Both colic and...

Is My Baby Happy?
A baby can be a mystifying creature. As new parents we often worry if we are succeeding in meeting their needs. The truth is babies are...

5 Ways to Strengthen the Bond with your Baby
Before you had your baby, you probably imagined what it was going to be like when they arrived; endless hours spent staring into their...

What Every New Parent Needs to Know About Colic
Just the word colic can fill you with dread as a new parent. It is so common that we all know at least one exhausted mum struggling with...

Benefits of Massage For Your Baby's Skin
Massage on any of us affects the body inside and out; it is more than just a pleasurable experience. A few simple massage strokes shared...

Massage and the Digestive System - A Personal Account
As we have mentioned in other blog posts and of course talk about during Tots Play classes, massaging your baby can have benefits for...

What every New Parent Needs to Know About Colic
Just the word colic can fill you with dread as a new parent. It is so common that we all know at least one exhausted mum struggling with...

Oxytocin - The Chemical of Love
Becoming attached with your baby is a chemical process and the main hormone required is oxytocin or as some would call it, the “love...

Why Your Baby Loves a Cuddle
A newborn baby needs very little; it will be some years before they start demanding bikes and computer games. Apart from feeding and...
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