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So what happens at a Social Tots class?
If you've got a baby on the move or an inquisitive toddler, then you might be wondering what kind of class would be right for them. We...

Making an Ocean Sensory Bottle
Sensory bottles are very popular at our classes, with lots of parents asking how to make them. They are very quick and easy to make, but...

How Play=Learning!
Do you wonder why we include such a wide variety of activities in our Tots Play classes? The reason is that young children learn best...

How to Spot the Difference between Colic and Silent Reflux
Both colic and silent reflux are very difficult conditions to deal with. When your baby is suffering, you are suffering. Both colic and...

When Does My Baby Stop Being My Baby?
Well according to Wikipedia once your child reaches one they are officially a toddler and this label will stick with them until their...

Object Permanence - The Power of Peek-a-Boo
When your baby is first born there is an entire world for them to explore, it is all very new and potentially scary. To begin with they...

Activities To Help Your Baby Bond with Their Siblings
When you have more than one child, life can easily become a juggling act and your job seems to be to keep everyone happy. The baby needs...

Smelly Play!
Following from our last post about the importance of their sense of smell for babies and young children, today we share a few ideas to...

Why Smell Matters to Your Baby
Babies learn about the world around them by using their senses; smell is an important part of this process. Smell and taste are connected...

Games to Enjoy With Your Toddler
There are many expensive toys you can buy for your baby and many that claim to have great educational benefits. Although there are some...
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