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Chocolate Play Dough
If your littlest one is missing out on enjoying chocolate with the rest of the family this Easter, why not make some chocolate play dough...

The Business Skills You Didn’t Know You’d Gained During Lockdown
When we talk to people about becoming a franchisee with Tots Play, or starting a business or any kind really, one of the things that...

10 Household Items Your Tot Will Love to Play With
You can spend literally thousands of pounds on toys for babies and toddlers but as many parents will tell you, the child often ends up...

Getting the Most from an Online Baby or Toddler Class
When you thought about enrolling your little one into a baby or toddler class you may not have imagined doing the class in your living...

Christmas Yoga Fun For Your Toddler (and You!)
If you are looking for a great way to have some fun with your toddler this festive season that will keep their little bodies and minds...

Is My Baby Happy?
A baby can be a mystifying creature. As new parents we often worry if we are succeeding in meeting their needs. The truth is babies are...

Musical Instruments to Make at Home
Music is a fundamental part of every Tots Play class. We use it to enhance all the activities included in our programme because of the...

A Perfect Routine for Your Baby
What every baby needs is different, and what every mum needs is different too. There is a lot of debate on the issue of routines with...

Making the Most Of Time With Your Toddler
Head to your local toy store with a couple of hundred pounds and a toddler, you will be lucky to make it out with a penny change. There...

5 Ways to Strengthen the Bond with your Baby
Before you had your baby, you probably imagined what it was going to be like when they arrived; endless hours spent staring into their...
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