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5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development (right from day one)
As you hold your new-born baby, you probably find it hard to imagine them chatting away but it isn’t long before they are forming words...

How to Spot the Difference between Colic and Silent Reflux
Both colic and silent reflux are very difficult conditions to deal with. When your baby is suffering, you are suffering. Both colic and...

Why Smell Matters to Your Baby
Babies learn about the world around them by using their senses; smell is an important part of this process. Smell and taste are connected...

Games to Enjoy With Your Toddler
There are many expensive toys you can buy for your baby and many that claim to have great educational benefits. Although there are some...

The Business Skills You Didn’t Know You’d Gained During Lockdown
When we talk to people about becoming a franchisee with Tots Play, or starting a business or any kind really, one of the things that...

10 Household Items Your Tot Will Love to Play With
You can spend literally thousands of pounds on toys for babies and toddlers but as many parents will tell you, the child often ends up...

Getting the Most from an Online Baby or Toddler Class
When you thought about enrolling your little one into a baby or toddler class you may not have imagined doing the class in your living...

Making a "Nature Soup"
If you are looking for a quick, simple activity to keep your little ones engaged and using all their senses, why not try making them a...

Baby Sign Language - Getting Started
What is Baby Sign Language? Do you ever wonder what's going on in your baby's head and wish you had a way to understand what they were...

What Every New Parent Needs to Know About Colic
Just the word colic can fill you with dread as a new parent. It is so common that we all know at least one exhausted mum struggling with...
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