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A Very Glittery Christmas
Christmas is a magical time and your little one will be mesmerised with the visual delights. This festive time of year provides so many...

How Does My Baby Learn Colours?
Babies cannot recognise colours at birth; in fact despite the amount of colourful baby toys on the market, children only start to...

Give Your Toddler's Brain a Boost
Your toddler’s brain has been through huge physical and psychological changes in its short little life span. The first three years are...

Light and Shade
Babies are fascinated by light, colour and pattern and will watch and follow the edges of shapes and patterns very closely. Try some of...

How to Spot the Difference between Colic and Silent Reflux
Both colic and silent reflux are very difficult conditions to deal with. When your baby is suffering, you are suffering. Both colic and...

Object Permanence - The Power of Peek-a-Boo
When your baby is first born there is an entire world for them to explore, it is all very new and potentially scary. To begin with they...

Why Smell Matters to Your Baby
Babies learn about the world around them by using their senses; smell is an important part of this process. Smell and taste are connected...

Is My Baby Happy?
A baby can be a mystifying creature. As new parents we often worry if we are succeeding in meeting their needs. The truth is babies are...

Musical Instruments to Make at Home
Music is a fundamental part of every Tots Play class. We use it to enhance all the activities included in our programme because of the...

A Perfect Routine for Your Baby
What every baby needs is different, and what every mum needs is different too. There is a lot of debate on the issue of routines with...
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