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5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development (right from day one)
As you hold your new-born baby, you probably find it hard to imagine them chatting away but it isn’t long before they are forming words...

When Does My Baby Stop Being My Baby?
Well according to Wikipedia once your child reaches one they are officially a toddler and this label will stick with them until their...

Is My Baby Happy?
A baby can be a mystifying creature. As new parents we often worry if we are succeeding in meeting their needs. The truth is babies are...

Baby Sign Language - Getting Started
What is Baby Sign Language? Do you ever wonder what's going on in your baby's head and wish you had a way to understand what they were...

What Every New Parent Needs to Know About Colic
Just the word colic can fill you with dread as a new parent. It is so common that we all know at least one exhausted mum struggling with...

When Will Your Baby Start to Sign?
A question we are asked frequently at Tots Play is "WHEN do babies start to sign?" . Kaye, our franchisee for Newport and Cwmbran,...

What Makes Tots Play Different
These days there are a lot of different groups and classes you can take a baby or toddler to, so how do you decide which one is right for...

5 Great Reasons to Use Sign Language With Your Baby
Using sign language with your little one is such a valuable and useful tool that we incorporate signing activities into all our classes...

The Best Gift to Give From Your Baby This Father’s Day
As Father’s Day approaches, it’s time to start thinking of the best gift. So what can you buy? Cufflinks, a pint glass, tickets to a...

Easter Fun for Very Little Ones
For little ones not ready for egg hunts in the garden or devouring lots of chocolate (a shame that you will have to have their share!)...
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