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5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development (right from day one)
As you hold your new-born baby, you probably find it hard to imagine them chatting away but it isn’t long before they are forming words...

Making an Ocean Sensory Bottle
Sensory bottles are very popular at our classes, with lots of parents asking how to make them. They are very quick and easy to make, but...

Why Smell Matters to Your Baby
Babies learn about the world around them by using their senses; smell is an important part of this process. Smell and taste are connected...

Is My Baby Happy?
A baby can be a mystifying creature. As new parents we often worry if we are succeeding in meeting their needs. The truth is babies are...

Musical Instruments to Make at Home
Music is a fundamental part of every Tots Play class. We use it to enhance all the activities included in our programme because of the...

A Perfect Routine for Your Baby
What every baby needs is different, and what every mum needs is different too. There is a lot of debate on the issue of routines with...

5 Ways to Strengthen the Bond with your Baby
Before you had your baby, you probably imagined what it was going to be like when they arrived; endless hours spent staring into their...

What Every New Parent Needs to Know About Colic
Just the word colic can fill you with dread as a new parent. It is so common that we all know at least one exhausted mum struggling with...

Worried About Attending a Baby Class? Here's Why That's the Best Reason to Join One!
Having a baby is a wonderful thing in so many ways, but it certainly turns your life upside down! The first few weeks tend to go by in a...

Benefits of Massage For Your Baby's Skin
Massage on any of us affects the body inside and out; it is more than just a pleasurable experience. A few simple massage strokes shared...
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