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How Does My Baby Learn Colours?
Babies cannot recognise colours at birth; in fact despite the amount of colourful baby toys on the market, children only start to...
Give Your Toddler's Brain a Boost
Your toddler’s brain has been through huge physical and psychological changes in its short little life span. The first three years are...
5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development (right from day one)
As you hold your new-born baby, you probably find it hard to imagine them chatting away but it isn’t long before they are forming words...
Baby Sign Language - Getting Started
What is Baby Sign Language? Do you ever wonder what's going on in your baby's head and wish you had a way to understand what they were...
When Will Your Baby Start to Sign?
A question we are asked frequently at Tots Play is "WHEN do babies start to sign?" . Kaye, our franchisee for Newport and Cwmbran,...
The Benefits of Taking Your Baby Out for a Walk
As we talk about a lot at Tots Play, when it comes to supporting your new baby's development, things you may think of as simple are often...
5 Great Reasons to Use Sign Language With Your Baby
Using sign language with your little one is such a valuable and useful tool that we incorporate signing activities into all our classes...
How Bubbles Help Boost Development
Bubbles are an inexpensive, simple and easy activity to enjoy with your baby, or toddler, but don’t let this fool you into thinking it's...
Encouraging Your Child To Talk
Your baby was hardwired to communicate from the moment they were born. Initially the only way they could converse was to scream at you....
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