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A Very Glittery Christmas
Christmas is a magical time and your little one will be mesmerised with the visual delights. This festive time of year provides so many...

Light and Shade
Babies are fascinated by light, colour and pattern and will watch and follow the edges of shapes and patterns very closely. Try some of...

Edible Play
At Tots Play we know that young children learn best when using their whole body and all their senses. They naturally learn from the world...

The Benefits of Balance Bikes for Learning through Play
Guest Post by Karen Wood, Founder of Kidvelo Balance Bikes. Play matters. It is how babies and children primarily learn about the world...

Smelly Play!
Following from our last post about the importance of their sense of smell for babies and young children, today we share a few ideas to...

Why Smell Matters to Your Baby
Babies learn about the world around them by using their senses; smell is an important part of this process. Smell and taste are connected...

Chocolate Play Dough
If your littlest one is missing out on enjoying chocolate with the rest of the family this Easter, why not make some chocolate play dough...

Getting the Most from an Online Baby or Toddler Class
When you thought about enrolling your little one into a baby or toddler class you may not have imagined doing the class in your living...

Musical Instruments to Make at Home
Music is a fundamental part of every Tots Play class. We use it to enhance all the activities included in our programme because of the...

Making the Most Of Time With Your Toddler
Head to your local toy store with a couple of hundred pounds and a toddler, you will be lucky to make it out with a penny change. There...
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