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Feeding Your Child's Senses
It may not be the first thing you think of, but food is an amazing resource to use in sensory play with your baby or toddler. It serves...
What If My Toddler Doesn't Like Joining In?
As a parent you probably choose to take your child to a class like Tots Play so you can not only spend quality time together, have fun...
5 Great Reasons to Use Sign Language With Your Baby
Using sign language with your little one is such a valuable and useful tool that we incorporate signing activities into all our classes...
Jubilant June at Tots Play
Can you believe we are now half way through the year! The sun is shining, school is almost finished for another year and the summer fun...
Marvellous March at Tots Play
We hope you have enjoyed the month of March with all the madness it brought! Who would have thought that we would have had so much snow!...
Fabulous February at Tots Play
February has been jam packed with events and special sessions from Valentine’s Day to Shrove Tuesday. The first half term is over and we...
Sensory Fun in the Kitchen
Sensory play doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. For lots of great ways to help your baby learn and explore using their senses...
Joyous January at Tots Play
Well what a great start to the New year we've had here at Tots Play. It’s been fantastic to welcome back so many of you and meet lots of...
What is sensory play and why do it?
What is Sensory Play? Babies and young children explore and learn about the world using their whole body and all their senses. As adults,...
5 Benefits of Going to a Baby Class (...and it's not just about baby)
With the New Year upon us, and the weather taking a turn for the worse you may be thinking about trying some new activities with your...
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