Hi, I'm Claire and I run Tots Play in the
Doncaster East area.
Click the big blue button below for details of my classes and to book.
I can't wait to welcome you.
Email Claire at clairew@totsplay.co.uk
Call or Text 07852 374106
Meet your Class Leader
Claire Wimble
Hi, I’m Claire and I live in Auckley with my husband Marcus and our 3 children Jamie, Ollie and Charlotte. I’ve been a primary and early years teacher for 15 years, I love working with children and their parents and no other job can offer the joy and satisfaction that comes with watching families grow and learn together. When my youngest child started full time school, I found myself looking to take my love of teaching in a new direction.
I attended some fabulous baby and toddler groups with all of my children; I looked forward to the classes and playgroups each week. They were a special time for me and my babies to bond with, learn about and just enjoy each other. They were also an invaluable opportunity to build relationships with other mums. Bringing up children can be a tough and sometimes isolating job. In our groups we could laugh, share stories and remind ourselves that we were all doing a great job of raising our little people in our own ways.
I knew that I would love to provide this experience for other mums. Then I found Tots Play. It’s the class I would have chosen to attend with all of my children if it had been available. The classes offer the benefits of baby massage, yoga, signing, music and sensory play all in one class. As an enthusiastic advocate of the power of play I also adored that this is at the centre of each carefully planned session. I’m really excited to be bringing Tots Play to Doncaster, and can’t wait to meet you and your little ones.
Click the Book Now button below for details of my classes and follow the links to book or alternatively call/text me on 07852 374106 or email me at clairew@totsplay.co.uk with any questions.
Best wishes and Happy Playing!
Claire x
Parties and Private Bookings
Individually tailored sessions available for birthdays or other celebrations and for settings or organisations such as playgroups, preschools, nurseries and charities. Get in touch using the contact details above for more information.
Learn more about our party sessions HERE.