Could a Tots Play Franchise Be For You?
If you have come this far then hopefully the idea of running your own business appeals to you, but there are probably lots of questions running round in your head. Just a few of those that went through mine when I first considered this type of business were;
Is this type of business the right thing for me?
Can I make a success of it?
Do I need childcare qualifications or experience or a background in business?
Which opportunity is right for me?
I am sure you have many more.
Well, let me tell you a little about how I got started so you can consider whether it would be the right move for you.
How Tots Play Began.
In 2004 I was a new mum who didn’t want to leave my baby to go back to work. I did, however, need an income and also a focus for me in addition to being a devoted mum!
I tried a couple of party plan companies for a while, then I came across an advert for a pre-school music class franchise. I had never done anything like it before (my background is in retail and leisure management!) but I enjoyed taking my daughter to similar activities so I decided to give it a go. I started with a few classes a couple of mornings a week around play dates, nap times and other baby related activities, and found that it was something I actually quite liked doing!

A house move led me to selling that first business and gave me the chance to try out new activities and ideas. I always enjoyed exploring different ways of playing with my little girl, but found most groups and classes focused on just one thing. I decided therefore to take all the experience I had of running classes and being a mum, and the best of all I had learned to put together a new programme, and so Tots Play was born.
Starting from scratch, in the middle of a recession, I launched this new business, and a few months later I was running several sessions through the week, in between the school run, for over a hundred families and growing.
Before changing my focus to spreading the Tots Play message across the country, I successfully ran classes for babies and toddlers for over 10 years, personally running sessions through the week around the school run and seeing around 150 families per week. And guess what ... you could too!
My time is now devoted to sharing my experience and using what I have learned in the process of building not one, but three, businesses to help you to do the same with the Tots Play franchise, which due to it's success became a limited company in 2015.
I have met so many mums who have to leave their little ones to return to work, often full time, when they really don’t want to, and I would love for you to have the opportunity that I have had to run a rewarding, fun and profitable business that works around your family commitments. I would also love to be the one to help you on your way, to champion you and celebrate your success.
Who are we looking for?
When choosing our franchisees we are looking for people who not only share our commitment to providing the best possible experience for the families who attend our sessions but also have the enthusiasm and drive to share that passion with families in their area, and a willingness to work hard to achieve their goals. The personal qualities you bring are therefore far more important than experience running a business or working with children.
While you therefore don't need to have any specific qualifications or experience to run Tots Play classes, you must enjoy working with young children and their parents, and be able to make them feel welcome and at ease.
You will also need plenty of energy and enthusiasm to get everyone involved, and the confidence to lead a group in various play activities including singing simple songs. Good organisational skills are also important as a small amount of administration will be required, as is the determination and resilience to build and run a business, with all that it entails.
You will receive full training on how to run the business, with personal coaching, practical training, written and online training manual plus ongoing help and support to establish and grow your business.
Our franchisees come from a wide variety of backgrounds but all are achieving success on their own terms, around their family and other commitments, with no boss to answer to, and enjoying the support and encouragement of an experienced head office team and wider network of existing franchisees who know exactly what you going through at every step and are able to give you that helping hand just when you need it.
Take a look at the video below to "meet" a few of them.

Running a Tots Play business is great fun, very rewarding, and let's you choose when and where you work. Help and support will be available to ensure that you are able to run your sessions successfully and profitably.
What we have also found over time is that there are a few important qualities needed and steps required in order to become a successful franchisee, and that these are more important than any specific qualifications or experience you might have. Have a look at the free report we've put together for more on this.
To give you a head start to success click on the picture to request our Special Free Report;
Next Steps
If, once you have watched through the Franchise Information videos and explored the information here, a Tots Play Franchise feels like a good fit for what you are looking for, the first step would be an informal phone chat where we can start to get to know each other.
From there we will share more information about how everything works, including the opportunity to see a Tots Play class in action, and to get all your questions answered.
There is no obligation or pressure to buy at any stage and we are happy to give you all the information you need to make sure the choice is right for you and for us.
Simply click the link below an request an information pack to get started.
Follow the links below to learn more about the franchise opportunity.