Hi, I'm Robyn and I run Tots Play in the
Kirkintilloch and Cumbernauld area.
Click the big blue button below for details of my classes and to book.
I can't wait to welcome you.
Email Robyn at robynm@totsplay.co.uk
Call or Text 07788 254593
Meet your Class Leader
Robyn Mcilhiney
Hi, I’m Robyn I live with my husband Lewis and my two beautiful children Noah and Rosie, who are my reason for everything I do.
I previously worked in hospitality management and also in the motor trade but after having my daughter in 2021 I wanted
cherish every moment with my two children while they were young so chose to stay home with them for a few years.
As they went off to school and nursery I knew it was time to do something for me, and when the opportunity arose to become the owner of Tots Play Kirkintilloch I jumped at the chance to take it on.
I have a real passion for children and their development and the Tots Play Programme gives you everything in one class including
baby massage, sign language, yoga and sensory play. I know from experience how important these classes are for babies and children’s development but they are also a great place for parents to meet new friends and become part of a supportive community and I can’t wait for you to join me in Kirkintilloch and Cumbernauld so I can share these benefits with you too.
Click the Book Now button below to see when classes are available and to book a space or if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at robynm@totsplay.co.uk or call/text me on 07788254593.
I look forward to meeting you and your little ones very soon
Robyn x