Hi, I'm Christina and I run Tots Play in the
North East of Aberdeenshire.
Click the big blue button below for details of my classes and to book.
I can't wait to welcome you.
Email Christina at christinam@totsplay.co.uk
Call or Text 07855 402358
Meet your Class Leader
Christina Morrison
Hi, my name is Christina. I live in Peterhead along with my husband Lee and our 5 teenagers. (We enjoy a challenge!)
As a trained Primary Teacher and a Mum of 5, I have seen over the years just how important investing in our children can be. Yes, it is sometimes tiring and often challenging, but it is also very rewarding.
I know that one of the most important times as a parent is in those first baby and toddler stages. It is a crucial time of brain development. That time we spend engaging with our child and developing a bond, allows our children to become confident, happy, resilient, and independent adults.
Tots Play is an all-in-one programme with a range of classes from birth to toddlers, and I am excited to be able to offer these special classes to you. My aim, through these sessions, is to help you as a parent discover lots of ways you can bond with your child, both at home and in class, while also supporting their development. Classes include massage, yoga and movement, music, baby signing, sensory play and more. These are fun sessions that focus on you and your child while also allowing you to build friendships with other local parents and children.
Click ‘Book Now’ if you would like more information or are ready to book your place. You can also email me at christinam@totsplay.co.uk with any questions and I'll be happy to help.
I look forward to meeting you and your little one, in a class, soon.
Happy Playing
Christina x
Parties and Private Bookings
Individually tailored sessions available for birthdays or other celebrations and for settings or organisations such as playgroups, preschools, nurseries and charities. Get in touch using the contact details above for more information.
Learn more about our party sessions HERE.