Our Classes
Tots Play offers a complete programme of award winning classes, resources and more to give you the confidence and inspiration needed to play, connect and enjoy special time with your
baby or toddler in ways which will enhance their development.
Our classes are suitable for children from birth to around 4 years,
with a range of sessions aimed at different age groups.
With the exception of our Baby Tranquil and Baby Development courses which runs at regular intervals, all courses are ongoing so you can join at any time throughout the year.
Attending classes is a great opportunity to enjoy focused time with your little one as you cuddle, play, connect and make new discoveries together every week.
You will also pick up lots of ideas to enable you to continue the fun (and learning) at home, so get ready to leap, laugh and learn together!
Stream your favourite Tots Play songs on Spotify
Baby Development Course
Birth to 6 Months

A Strong Foundation for Your Baby's Growth and Development
No courses near you? Learn at home with our online Baby Play and Development Course. Click HERE for more details.
Check Out Our Blog
Learn more about the benefits of the Tots Play programme and get lots of ideas for play time at home on our blog...