Nurture Your Baby's Senses This Spring
It's a magical time of year. Spring is the season of new life, hope and sunnier skies (some of the time). It is also a perfect time for you and your baby to explore the world together. As babies learn through their senses, Spring provides beautiful opportunities for you to nurture their development and in this post we will share our practical tips on how you can utilise Spring to stimulate the senses.
The biggest change everyone notices is the rise in temperature, talk about this with your baby to help them understand. As the environment changes, take your little one outside to experience the new world ‘hands on.’ Grass is particularly fascinating to lie or sit on and a simple patch of lawn can keep a baby occupied for quite some time,

The smells of Spring are significant, as adults they often stir precious memories of childhood and now you get the opportunity to create new memories in the mind of your child. Lilac, hyacinth, daffodils, apple blossoms, herbs, freshly cut grass, fresh laundry blowing on the washing line and even the scent of distant bbq’s cooking up a neighbours Spring dinner. Recognise and acknowledge these smells with you baby. Where possible and safe, bring these smells into the house and let your child play and explore.

Take a walk with your baby is the fresh Spring air and take the time to notice the seasons gifts. Regular walks along the same path will allow you to recognise the changes as they happen and each day you will be able to see something new. Watch flowers bloom, the buds of leaves appear and grow, birds nest, new animals venture out and even insects (or mini beasts as we like to affectionately call them) You might choose to take pictures that you look at together later and even make a scrapbook but nothing beats getting outside and feasting your eyes on spring treats in the flesh.

The sound of morning birds in the Spring is absolutely divine and one your child will delight in, particularly as they get older but it's never too early to cultivate this enthusiasm. To encourage birds into your garden set up a feeder or nesting box so that the sounds of their twittering is never far away. Spring also brings other sounds including frogs that can be especially active in the evening if your little one wakes for a night feed!
If your baby is weaning then Spring provides a wonderful opportunity to provide fresh treats straight from the garden (or your local farm shop if you are not so green fingered yourself). A visit to a farmers market or a farm shop is a fun day out in itself and will be full of sensory experiences for your little one to enjoy.

Tots Play in Spring
For more ideas of how you can use the everyday world to stimulate your baby’s development and enjoy quality time together, why not come to a Tots Play class?
We have combined the benefits of activities that you would usually need to go to 5 baby classes to find (including yoga, massage, sensory play, sign language and music) in one unique experience especially designed with you and your little one in mind. For more information about our programme, any time of the year, click HERE.
To find your nearest class click HERE and come any join us for some fun using all the senses this Spring and beyond.
Happy Playing!

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