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So what happens at a Social Tots class?

If you've got a baby on the move or an inquisitive toddler, then you might be wondering what kind of class would be right for them. We know that this age group don't like to sit still for long and want to explore and know about EVERYTHING, so we've designed our Social Tots classes with this in mind.

This class is especially for mobile babies (so those wanting to move more than they want to stay still), and toddlers up to around the age of 2, and combines a range of activities for you and your little one to enjoy together, so expect to be moving, playing and above all having fun!

Sessions are faced paced and interactive, filled with a wide range of experiences to stimulate and encourage the development of lots of different skill and abilities in a relaxed, fun and friendly environment, perfect for little explorers, as well as those who take in everything by simply watching and listening.

So what happens at a typical Social Tots class?

While every class is unique, we follow a similar structure each week and include elements that are repeated often which your Tot will come to recognise and respond to, and may soon start to join in with. Great for boosting confidence and encouraging those emerging personalities to shine through. You will be encouraged to join in at your own pace though and do as much or as little of the activities as feels right for you and your child that day, so whether you have a little one who doesn't like to sit still for long, or they are having a day where they don't want to venture far from you there is no need to worry, every child can participate and enjoy the benefits the classes bring in a way that is just right for them. So what's it all about?

To give you a better idea of what to expect, lets take you through a typical class....

A Warm Welcome to All

We start by singing hello, and getting everyone ready to play with our welcome song.

Yoga Fun!

Next we introduce some simple yoga poses and stretches to get those bodies strong and supple, using familiar songs and rhymes to ensure it's always fun and engaging for our little yogis. To begin with they will need lots of help from you, their special grown up, but over time will be able to do more and more independently, and we just love to smiles of pride all round when they master, or even just try something new for themselves.

Music and Movement

Fun and lively songs get everyone moving and working those bodies in lots of different ways, both in this section of the class where our movement is yoga based, and again towards the end where we enjoy original and traditional songs, sometimes with parachute games or hand held equipment included too.

Enhancing Early Communication Skills

We help boost communication and language skills with simple sign language songs, games and props, and love to see our Social Tots joining in with these along with us. Lots of these games can be carried on at home too, and this is the way our Tots learning really comes on in leaps and bounds.

Make Some Noise!

Instrument time lets everyone express themselves and explore different ways to make sounds, as well as introducing simple musical concepts like loud and soft and fast and slow.

Exploratory Play

In addition to our group activities, we know our Tots love to learn through their own exploration too, so at every class we bring a range of physical equipment and sensory items for them to explore and play with in whatever way they choose. Sometimes they will love to investigate by themselves, sometimes they will invite you, their special adult to play and they will also start the process of learning to share and engage with other Tots too.

We also introduce simple educational themes in our cognitive play zone, exploring things such as colours, numbers, shapes, home and nature. Don't worry though, we don't expect your new crawler to know their colours yet, learning is through play and always about having fun at a level appropriate to your child's age and stage of development.

Here are a few of the things your Tot might like to explore;

This is often the part our Social Tots love the most...


Well that and bubble time of course!!

Wind Down Time

The bubbles help us to start to wind down and our Tots then enjoy a bit of quiet time with you, their grown up, with a calming song and some simple massage strokes before the class draws to a close.

Time to Say Goodbye

Totsy come to wave and sing with us to finish our class, and there is always time for kisses and hugs before we say goodbye.

Time to go home. But make sure to come back next week for lots more love, laughter and learning.

Come and Join Us!

If you'd like to give Social Tots a try, click HERE to find a class near you. Find lots more information about what we do at Tots Play at and come and join in the fun soon!

Here's a glimpse of our Social Tots in action...

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