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The Business Skills You Didn’t Know You’d Gained During Lockdown

When we talk to people about becoming a franchisee with Tots Play, or starting a business or any kind really, one of the things that often comes up in conversation is what skills, qualities and experience are needed to successfully run a business. This is usually closely followed by that person being unsure whether or not they have them, and if running a business is really something they could do.

It’s only natural to have doubts when considering doing something new. Our franchisees come from a wide range of backgrounds and have lots of different skills and experience, and we don’t require a background in any particular area when joining us, as we provide training for all aspects of running both the class sessions and the business, along with support at every step on the journey.

What we are much more interested in are the personal qualities that each individual would bring to the role, and you might be surprised, not just at how many of these you already have, but at how many you are likely to have developed or strengthened during the lockdowns and restrictions we have all faced over the last year.

Here are a few of the skills that are key to running a business that you are likely to have needed during lockdown.


Once of the things I love about being a business owner is that no two days are the same, but along with that comes plenty of ups and downs. None of us could have predicted what the last year has brought about, and when the unexpected happens or things just don't quite go the way you might want them to, you can either decide it's too hard and give up, or take stock, consider what you CAN do in that situation and move forward. With so many changes imposed upon us there has been little choice than to make the most of what we have been able to do, and tackle each day in the best way we can. The resilience you have needed to do this, is a valuable skill for a business owner.


Another important skill when faced with challenges, or just changes in general in business, is the ability to adapt. We have certainly had that skill put to the test over the last year at Tots Play! When we were forced to stop running classes face to face last March, we could have just put business on hold, but instead we adapted and created new ways of working and of supporting our customers and franchisees, such as delivering sessions online and creating a range of resources to help the fun and learning to continue at home, and so business was not only able to continue, but thrive, then adapt again as we created different ways to deliver classes safely back in the community. I'm sure you've had to adapt many aspects of your life too, and being able to think about how to reach a goal or make something happen in a new way will take you a long way in business too.


When you're not able to do what you normally would in a certain situation, or have limited time, resources, or both, being resourceful, so, making use of what you do have or doing what you can do, is another skill that serves us well both in a pandemic and as a business owner. You have no doubt had to find new ways to do lots of the things you previously took for granted, things like spending time with friends and family, making special days feel special, eating habits, exercise maybe, and for lots of us, figuring out how to parent without all the usual support systems. Taking this approach to running a business will really help in creating the success you want too.

Positive Expectation

Your mindset, or the way you think and approach things is another important factor in business success. Even if things are not going to plan, or taking longer to happen than you would like, continuing to expect and work towards a positive outcome is crucial to making that happen. Let yourself stay in a place of negativity for too long and you'll stop taking the action that would move you forward, and that's when things start to become a struggle. Despite the current doom and gloom, I am hugely excited about the year ahead, because I have no doubts that we will not only be able to get back to fully delivering our classes and services in person as well as virtually very soon, but that our franchisees businesses will be busier and more successful than ever due to the number of people we know are wanting to join sessions in their areas. If you are the type of person who can find the positives and stay focused on moving forward whatever the situation, then you'll make a great business owner.

Learning Something New

Most of us have had to learn new skills during lockdown. Whether that's been mastering using different technology, baking banana bread or getting to grips with doing primary maths in a whole new way, while supporting your children with home schooling!

Many of our franchisees didn't even like being on camera this time last year, and now they are pro's at delivering virtual classes that mean their customers don't have to miss out on the fun, learning and support they get from our classes and that means so much to them, when they are at home with a baby or toddler. Pandemic or not though, there is always something new to learn as a business owner, so a love of learning is a great help. There will be lots to learn if you join us as a franchisee too, but you'll get full training and ongoing support to make sure you have all the information and skills you need to launch and grow the perfect business for you.

Putting those skills to use

So rather than wasting those and the many other skills that you've been (perhaps unknowingly!) been developing during the various lockdowns, why not put them to good use in helping to create a new future for you and your family.

A future that includes;

  • Flexible hours that work around your family (no more squeezing family life into what's left after once your work commitments are done)

  • Great earning potential

  • Your own business, but with the support of an established brand and experienced team

  • Doing something that's not only fun but rewarding too, and really makes a difference to families in your community

Does that sound more appealing?

If so, it might be time to find out more about joining us as a Tots Play franchisee.

We urgently need more special people, with skills just like those mentioned above, to help meet the demand for classes and support parents and children who have missed out on so much over the last year. Could you be the person to bring Tots Play to your area?

Take the First Step Today

Find out more about our franchise programme and how you could be the next member of our growing team HERE or pop us a message to

It could just be the best thing to come out of your whole lockdown experience!

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